*From the Wobbly Witch @ CUUPs Tampa Witches Masquerade*
Exordium Elixer -
Our Special and oh so Magickal Blend of Fruit Juices
(equal parts tart cherry, peach, blueberry, apple, and pear juices/nectars)
with an optional shot of Spiced Rum
Magickal Properties include:
To represent East and New Beginnings – Cherry
To represent South and Creativity – Peach
To represent West and Clarity – Blueberry
To represent North and Peace – Apple
To represent Spirit and immortality – Pear
Wobbly Witch -
A Witchy Blend of Juice and Soda
(equal parts orange juice, tart cherry juice, and lemon-lime soda)
with a shot of pineapple rum

{a splash of pineapple juice instead of rum for the designated drivers and alcohol-free folds}
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