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The Basics

Ritual Etiquette

Etiquette is the good manners taught in childhood that tell us how to behave in public. This same behavior is greatly appreciated in rituals.

  1. Magickal Tools & Altars: At almost every event, there will be magickal tools, jewelry, drums, wands, walking sticks, and/or altars. The best way to honor and respect the energy of ritual items is to get permission from the owners/makers before touching or handling them.

  2. Building area: Follow the guidelines provided by the venue or host. Offer to assist where needed, and please pick up after yourself; LNT (Leave no trace). Smokers, never toss your butts on the ground but dispose of them properly.

  3. Sacred Space: Once the circle is cast, stay within the circle's boundaries unless there is an emergency. Let the guardians know if you need to leave, and they will open a door for you. Make sure cell phones are turned off before the ritual begins.

  4. Children: If children are crying, talking to others, or causing disruptions during the show or ritual, we ask that parents quietly excuse themselves with the children until they calm down, etc. Participation is greatly encouraged, but please keep side conversations and other disruptions to a minimum.

  5. Other People's Children: Please let parents do the parenting. Unless you have been assigned to child care, please refrain from correcting the behavior of other people's children; unless they're in danger. It's one thing to gently correct a problem but be respectful. We suggest taking the matter to a parent or the adult responsible for the child. If that doesn't work, inform the event coordinator or host, and try to find the least possible confrontational way to handle the situation.

  6. Event Coordinators: If an event coordinator or host asks you to do something or corrects a situation, please honor his or her wishes. If you have any issues regarding handling a problem, please discuss them with the individual(s) after the event.

  7. Personal Space & Lifestyles: Respect other people's personal space and lifestyles. There are people at events that prefer not to hug, don't eat meat, and may not drink alcohol. Make sure to label drinks and food, or at the very least, let people know if offensive ingredients or alcohol are present in a dish or drink. Also, ask before touching anyone for any reason; this includes hugging.

  8. Sacred Fires: Don't poke at a fire you aren't tending to, toss garbage into the flames, or try to rule the fire's energy. This is not only disruptive, but it can be pretty dangerous. Unless personally asked by the event coordinator, leave the fire's care and energy to the individuals responsible for tending them. Only feed a fire when asked, and always respect its spirit.

  9. Drumming: Drums are meant to heighten spiritual awareness and connect attendees to a tribal, communal heartbeat. Ritual Drumming is not about who can drum loudest, fastest, or take center stage. It is an expressive experience that helps create a collective trance state, which resounds with the cycles of time, the tribe, and their souls.

  10. Classes & Other Educational Activities: As a courtesy to the person running the class or other event where specific personal preparations have been requested, remember to make time for those preparations. These activities are intended for your spiritual welfare but will not be successful if you're not wholly prepared in body, mind, and spirit.

  11. Gossip: The Pagan community comprises people from many spiritual practices and lifestyles. If you have a question about a way of life, ask it honestly, but please maintain respect and get the facts. However, if you hear a rumor, rather than spreading it, get the truth, and set the record straight! Gossip not only disrupts positive energy, but it can cause harm to the intended target and make our community less of a safe space for all.

  12. Photographs: Please, DO NOT take pictures of anyone at a pagan gathering without their permission. Some people are still in the closet and protecting themselves from adverse actions by family and employers. Respecting their privacy is the honorable thing to do. 

  13. Respect Spiritual Privacy: If you see someone meditating or otherwise having a spiritually private moment, good manners dictate that you wait for them to finish before engaging or disrupting them for any reason (other than an emergency).

  14. Many Magickal Paths: Please be aware that you will meet people from various magickal traditions, including those you disagree with! Additionally, we can all stand in a circle together. Gatherings are a time to put aside dogma and celebrate common ground. Specifics about altar placement, the initiation of a priestess, or if a Shaman has the right to call himself a shaman is irrelevant at the time of the ritual. Issues should be discussed after the event to avoid disrupting the atmosphere.

  15. Sexuality: A lot of pagans are flirtatious or seem to be because they are less hung up about physical matters. Don't mistake this as an open invitation. Don't assume, don't make unwanted advances, and don't move too quickly, and you'll be much better off.

  16. Feasting & Social Hour: Bring food/drink to share and offer to help with setting/cleaning up food. The kitchen staff greatly appreciates every bit of assistance provided. It is customary to let those who performed rituals, etc. go first. Pick up after yourself and help keep the space clean. Remember to properly dispose of recyclable items. Be careful where you leave cups, bottles, chairs, and other things. And always place your garbage in the proper receptacle before you go.

  17. Donating & Volunteering: UUCT is not a wealthy church, and CUUPs Tampa only has so many covens working events this year. If you cannot donate, put on an event, or bring a dish to share, offering assistance with setting up and tearing down the dome and/or the kitchen is a beautiful way to give to any event.


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