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Showing posts from November, 2022

7 Ways You Can Connect with your Angels

 Angels are universal to many religious and spiritual practices. The Pew Foundation reports that at least 72% of Americans believe in angels. A much higher percentage than that of Americans who believe in any world religion. Angels exist in many Abrahamic and Judaic spiritual traditions and other non-traditional pagan spiritual practices. While this author understands some people despise angels and refuse to work with them, this article is for those who love angels and wish to have a better relationship with theirs. If you do not work with angels, that is your choice, which is respected here.  For those that want you to work with angels, it is recommended that you make friends with yours. Creating personal relationships with angels and deepening our relationships with them, similar to how we would come up with any meaningful and unique relationship, can benefit many of our day-to-day rituals and practices. Asking angels for help is an effective spiritual practice. We can ask f...

What Do You Know About Your Spirit Guides?

We are never entirely alone. Even when we feel like we are, divine companions are always with us. Before birth, our guides decided to be with us from the moment we took our first breath and will stay with us until we take our last. Spirit guides are seriously evolved beings that have been through the circle of life on the physical plane and now serve as teachers and guides to elevate their vibrations further. They are as "real" as we are. They vibrate at another level and reside in another plane of existence. Our spirit guides work with us through our dreams and intuition. The voice we hear in our minds is usually the voices of our guides and teachers. They make themselves known through symbols and signs. When struggling with life or going through a personal or emotional challenge, I often find feathers and heart-shaped leaves everywhere. I also see heart and feather tattoos and cardinals and even hear specific songs. These remind me to slow down and listen to the guidance of...