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What Do You Know About Your Spirit Guides?

We are never entirely alone. Even when we feel like we are, divine companions are always with us. Before birth, our guides decided to be with us from the moment we took our first breath and will stay with us until we take our last. Spirit guides are seriously evolved beings that have been through the circle of life on the physical plane and now serve as teachers and guides to elevate their vibrations further. They are as "real" as we are. They vibrate at another level and reside in another plane of existence.

Our spirit guides work with us through our dreams and intuition. The voice we hear in our minds is usually the voices of our guides and teachers. They make themselves known through symbols and signs. When struggling with life or going through a personal or emotional challenge, I often find feathers and heart-shaped leaves everywhere. I also see heart and feather tattoos and cardinals and even hear specific songs. These remind me to slow down and listen to the guidance of my teachers.

Some people only have one guide, while others have many. A lot of this depends on our paths and callings in life. For example, an educator might have one direction to get through the academic nature of their profession and others to help navigate the intense emotional requirements of teaching at-risk youth. Who your guides are can give insight into your life's journey.

Spirit guides are seldom a deceased loved one. Although they stay with us in spirit, and we can connect with them, our loved ones do not serve the same role as "spirit guides." However, I believe our ancestors and deceased loved ones can join our "Guidance Team" if we need extra assistance or reassurance.

Some people have angels and archangels, as guides, with them at all times. However, the presence of these angels does not always mean they are spirit guides. We can call on our angels in times of distress for short-term assistance. If you have archangels or angels as guides, chances are you have a difficult mission in life. Through my experience as a healer and spiritual life coach, I have found that those with challenging life paths usually have spirit guides that are angels.

Our spirit guides are always with us, even when we don't acknowledge their presence. We cannot call them to us or send them away. They are part of us and our journeys. However, we can choose to gain knowledge of their role in our life and who they are. We can interact with our spirit guides more proactively. If you want to know your guides, ask. Find a quiet space to meditate and ask that they show themselves to you. Keep going even if you cannot figure it out right away. Remember, spiritual beings communicate through signs and symbols. Once you ask, you have to trust your wisdom. Please pay attention to what you see and feel after asking them to reveal who they are. If you are challenged discovering who they are, a psychic/intuitive can help you get answers.

Working with your spirit guides is a fantastic personal and spiritual growth tool. Their wisdom and advice, unlike physical beings, will not be influenced by the "real" world. They existed on a much higher vibrational plane, and mundane particulars are irrelevant to them. For instance, if you seek guidance from your guides regarding a relationship, it might lead you to focus on what you need to learn, what you should know, what your experience is teaching your partner, and what the true meaning of your relationship might be. The information given to you could be actions for YOU to take to have a deeper understanding of things. Additionally, you can ask your guides to help with physical healing too. Before closing your eyes at the end of the day, ask that you receive healing while you sleep.

You are never alone. Never. Have faith by knowing and understanding that there is so much mystery and magick in life. Even if for only a moment, let the "real" world fade away. Raise your vibrational frequency and allow all of the fantastic gifts of the divine to wash over you. Life is more than what we see with our physical sight. By opening our spiritual eyes and hearts, we can discover a world of wisdom, beauty, and peace we never knew existed.


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